Friday, 25 January 2013

More mucking about with numbers. The magic 0.915 ratio....

366 / 400 = 0.915
(days in year) divided by (number of times sun is further from earth than moon) = 0.915

0.915 x 10928 = 9999.12
0.915 of moon diameter = pretty damn close to 10,000.

366 x 10928 = 3999.65
(days in year) multiplied by (kilometres around moon's circumference) = 3999.65 = pretty damn close to 4000.

27.322 (days in sidereal month) x 366 = 99.999 = pretty damn close to 100.

400 / 27.322 = 1464.02
400 x 3.66 = 1464  !

0.915 x 1464 = 1600

400 / 10928 = 0.03660322
40,000 /10928 = 3.66

Speed of light divided by 366 = 109724 km /s  - (Recurring 109 again...)
___________________________________                                                = 100.4 km/ms = 
 also equals 10 nanoseconds per metre.

I don't know what any of it means either, but the more I fiddle around with these numbers, the more strange relationships I find....

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